سيروم لمنع التجاعيد بخلاصة الأعشاب الطبيعيه فريش هيرب أوريجين من ناسيفيك :
سيروم بمضات الأكسدة .
يعزز مرونة البشرة
يساعد على إسترخاء البشرة .
بقوام خفيف يتغلغل في المسام .
يوصى به ل:
1. أصحاب المسام الواسعة والمنتفخة
2. الذين يعانون من التجاعيد الدقيقة
3. أولئك الذين يعانون من مشاكل جلدية عديدة
4. أولئك الذين تجف بشرتهم بسرعة
This beauty must-have is famously known as Jun Ji-Hyun’s serum after it was revealed to be her go to skincare product. It is now fondly called the “damn serum” due to the tingling sensation it creates when applied onto damaged, oxidized skin – the greater the damage, the more it tingles. Over time, this diminishes as your skin heals. This anti-oxidant enriched serum enhances elasticity, prevents premature wrinkling, balances oil and moisture and tones. It also helps relax the skin by using Aloe Vera in place of purified water and vegetable components instead of synthetic preservatives.
Recommended for those with the following concerns:
1. Those with enlarged, distended pores
2. Those who suffer from fine wrinkles
3. Those with numerous skin concerns
4. Those whose skin dries out quickly
5. Those with rough skin
Suggested Use
1. Every morning and evening, after cleansing, apply after the application of toner. Be sure to shake before use.
2. Use the spoid to apply the serum to your skin. Spread and absorb.
3. Apply a cream to dry regions.
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